We supply seals for the automotive industry, ensuring the reliability and functionality of key components.
Our seals are designed with the chemical industry in mind, resisting aggressive chemicals and minimizing the risk of leaks.
We specialize in hygienic seals for the food industry ensuring safety during food processing.
We provide seals for the engineering industry increasing the efficiency and durability of machinery.
Our durable seals are essential for the metallurgical industry to withstand high temperatures and demanding conditions.
We specialize in the mining industry, providing seals that minimize leaks and protect equipment in harsh environments.
Innovative sealing solutions for a wide range of industries ensuring the reliability and performance of your critical equipment.
With many years of experience and professional know-how, we are a partner that understands the unique challenges of various industrial fields.
We help you choose the most suitable sealing materials for your specific needs, ensuring maximum durability and efficiency.
Our ability to produce seals within 24 hours in most cases means your equipment can be back in operation very quickly.
We are ready to meet your individual requirements for the shape, size and material of the seal exactly as your situation requires.
Take a look at the technologies we use and the services we offer. They are the key to our success, as they give us maximum flexibility in terms of customer requirements. Whether it is delivery time conditions, technology or the final price of the product. All this is only possible thanks to the emphasis on our own production and technological facilities.
Velmi oceňujeme Vaši odbornost, pečlivost a rychlost, kterou věnujete našim potřebám. Spolupráce s Vaší firmou je pro nás velmi přínosná, a to zejména díky profesionálnímu přístupu a rychlému řešení našich požadavků.
Na vaší firmě si vážíme především rychlé, jasné a výborné komunikace a slušného jednání. Déle spolehlivosti, včetně termínů dodání, což bohužel v dnešní době u každého dodavatele není.
Rychlost dodávek a 100% kvalita u všech dodávek.
Komunikace a pomoc při řešení složitých případů.
Pro výrobu našich produktů je klíčová nejen stálá kvalita a dobrá cena, ale také podpora při vývoji a inovacích. Invarex nám vždy nejen navrhne vhodný materiál, ale také dodá ověřovací sérii.
Naše spolupráce probíhá již několik let na velmi profesionální úrovni, oceňujeme komunikativnost a flexibilitu, rychlé řešení našich objednávek, technickou podporu a rychlost dodávek.
This position offers the opportunity to develop your technical skills and work with the state-of-the-art technologies in a dynamic and supportive work environment.
The role of the Sales Representative is an opportunity for professional growth and development of communication skills, where you will be building and maintaining relationships with clients and participate in the strategic development of our company.
seals, CNC machining, service
Statutory Representative
Phone: +420 605 322 200
E-mail: vajdak@invarex.cz
wiper blades and equipment of washing machines, Rimguard
Statutory Representative
Phone: +420 737 554 441
E-mail: hriciste@invarex.cz
Please send your inquiries and questions about our products and services to the following e-mail or use the contact form